H.Con.Res. 13 is headed to the floor

In case you’re not familiar with H.Con.Res. 13 it is a mostly symbolic bill that will reaffirm “In God We Trust” as the national motto an encourage it’s display in all government buildings. If it’s goals are realized then any time you walk into a public school, court room, city hall, post office, or any other government building we, the godless Americans would be greeted with an exclusionary statement from the government.

I wrote my congressman twice about this and participated in the White House petition about the national motto, all the responses were abismal. If you want to see what I’ve written about this in the past here’s all the archive references tagged with the national motto.

This is just further proof that elected officials don’t give a rats ass about the separation of church and state, let’s hope at some point the courts will.