Blasphemy – The most fundamental of rights

Blasphemy is the grand culmination of the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech. I should be able to say what ever the hell I want to and nobody can make any statement of a religious or anti-religious nature without committing blasphemy.

For example, the Christian claim that Jesus is the son of God is blasphemy to Muslims. The Muslim claim that Jesus was only a prophet is blasphemy to Christians. The Jewish claim that neither Jesus nor Mohamed were anything but regular, if not insane, people is blasphemy to Christians and Muslims. And the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish claim that there is only one god is blasphemy to Hindus. Basically everybody is a blasphemer to somebody.

Of course I am an equal opportunity blasphemer, so here we go:

Jesus was probably a myth, but even if he was real all he is is a bastard with a mother who wasn’t all that creative. Come on, God did it? Really?!?

Mohamed was a pedophile and sociopath.

If the Jews are God’s chosen people, then I’m curious what he chose them for…

Buddha was an idealist, but to give up his riches to instead beg from people, that’s just crazy.

Why do Hindus need millions of gods? Come on, they’re fantasies and not even good ones. Let go of them and move on with your lives.

If a Jane step on an ant, it really doesn’t matter. That one bug is just one of millions of mindless workers supporting the queen who is nothing more than a breeding machine. You kill it and not even the rest of the colony will care.

Sure, pagans might have fun getting naked with a bunch of people in the woods, but there’s no reason to pretend that you’re doing it for some spirit. Enjoy nature for what it is. Your use of the word divine just strips it of all meaning.

To a pantheist God is everything but that statement has as much meaning as saying that god is nothing.

We haven’t needed a god of the gaps since the publishing of On the Origins of the Species. So why can’t deists have the humility to let the unknown just be unknown, there is no reason to call it “God.”

While were at it, if Christian theologians can ever come to a consensus on what the “Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is let me know. It seems like it would be the sure fire way to stop any Christian in their tracks when they try a little proselytizing. If they think I’ve already sealed my damnation, then they’d know they’re just wasting their breath.

Happy Blasphemy Day!