Calling for Guest Bloggers

I’ve now been doing this blog for just over a year and this is the 411th post I’ve done. Granted, not all of them have included my original content (videos, comics, etc), but that still represents at least 300 – 500 hours of work on my part. I’ve done all of this with out a break as I’ve increased from three posts per week to a recent average of 11.9 posts per week, while working full time in a demanding management position, and just today I got my first advertising payment ($10, covers last years domain registration). I still have lots to say, so don’t be worried about the long run, but I’m tired.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the last few weeks the quality of the thought going into a lot of the articles has been reduced and I’ve shifted from strong arguments to softer narratives. I need a break.

Now, I’m not really going to take a break. Over the next few weeks I’ll still compile Tuesday Science News and post/comment on interesting things that I see. If I have something I need to say I’ll say it, I’m just going to take my time. In short, don’t expect me to be generating as much content for the next few weeks.

It’s your turn. You’ve been reading this for a while, now I want to hear your story and your thoughts. Yes, I’m opening this up for guest posts. Whether or not you agree me with me, let’s hear it.

Here’s what I’m looking for: please keep it to 500 – 700 words, if you go over that there will be a jump inserted (the read more link). At the 1200 – 1500 word range I’ll probably split it up into two parts.

Here’s some ideas on topics:

  1. If you were raised religious, but are not now, why did you make the change?
  2. If you are religious, why?
  3. What are you thoughts on ethics? This could be a general appeal for humanism, utilitarianism, moral relativism, or even divine command theory, or it could be specific views on dietary, interpersonal, or sexual ethics, for example.
  4. What’s your “favorite” apologetic argument and why do you think it works so well/fails so miserably?
  5. Do you think secularism is good for society? Why or why not. What implications do you think this should have in the way society functions or in the laws we have?
  6. Anything else you want to write about as long as it fits with the general theme of the blog.

Just email it to me, preferably in a text, Word, or Open/LibreOffice document and send it to [email protected] also be sure to include how you want identified and any other biographical information you’d like included.