On the topic of respecting beleifs

Here’s a great one from Jesus and Mo that they recently resurrected from 2008:

Jesus: "I tried to tell her that she should respect our beleifs." Mo: "Again? You don't give up easily, do you?" Jesus: "When those eliefs are held deeply and sincerely they become an integral part of you - so mocking the beleif is the same as mocking the person." Mo: "Did she say 'So what?' again?" Jesus: "Not this time. She said that she was a person who beleived deeply and sincerely that religion should be mocked." Mo: "You gotta respect that."So what are your thoughts?

If you’re religious, do you take people mocking your beliefs personally?

If you’re an atheist, do you mock other people’s beliefs? If so, do you take people opposing your mocking other’s beliefs personally?

If you don’t want to comment on this, why?