Goddamn I’ve been busy

Just looking at the last week, I’ve been insanely busy. As if work (50-60 hours every week for the last 6 weeks or so) wasn’t enough, the extra-curriculars have been a bit much. If you’re wondering why I’ve been even quieter than I have been lately this is why.

Monday I presented on the topic of refrigeration for my uber-geeky science focused Cosmos Coffee Club. Thursday I walked in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night walk, and today I officiated a wedding (this is my third). Oh, at to top it off I started coming down with a cold last weekend and didn’t get over it until Wednesday/Thursday.

Fortunately I have the next two days off before I have to go back to work… Don’t worry, expect some new blog posts from me.

Unfortunately it seems like Wesley goes silent about the same time I do, but I don’t know what his excuse is.