Lighthouses > Churches – Mini

Found a couple things I wanted to post one is time sensitive. The other, well, you’ll see.


25 Billion
Google’s Play Market just topped 25 Billion downloads in their app market. To celebrate, they are selling some great paid apps for 25 cents a pop. Check back once a day until the advertisement goes away. I am sure there will be different apps available on the cheap for the next few days. So, if you’re on Android, check them out. If you’re not, sell your iphone and step up to a Samsung Galaxy S3 (or a Nokia 920).


People Don’t Cure Hiccups…
Guns do. Permanently. I facepalmed when I read this story. Three people – two of them Private First Classes in the Army stationed at Ft. Hood – were drinking and watching a football game at a house in Killeen, Texas.

Pfc Isaac Young got a bad case of the hiccups and this is where everything goes sideways… Pfc Patrick Myers pulls out a firearm to try to scare the hiccups away. This is about the same time when Myers shoots Young in the face accidentally. Young is pronounced dead in the ambulance a bit later.

I don’t care how drunk you are. Doesn’t a person have that “oh shit” moment where they think something might be a bad idea? Putting that aside for a minute, these are both military trained men boys. Their training included a large amount of gun safety. Never handle firearms drunk. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intent to kill. Release the mag and clear the chamber for safety. Never handle firearms drunk.

What happened to popping a fucking paper bag behind a person? Chugging a glass of water… Where does scaring a person with a firearm become a good idea?  No big commentary from me.  Just a disgusted facepalm.



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