If God wasn’t invisible

DarkMatter2525 does great videos, here’s the latest amazing and hillarous video that make me forget for a second that I’m in Hell (the worst place imaginable kind of hell, not the imaginary BBQ filled with scientists, commedians, strippers, whores, gays, and other awesome people while being devoid of the judgemental and repressed kind of “righteous” people that I can’t stand which sounds like the greatest party imaginable and doubly so for those into the BDSM kind of stuff [not my cup of tea if you were wondering] but I digress, even for a rambling, runon parenthetical comment) right now (oh, wait, the sign didn’t say welcome to Hell, it said welcome to Utah, but more on that later…). Where was I… Oh yeah, what would it be like if (1) there was a god, (2) it was the Christian kind of god, and (3) God was visible?