The face of Freedom in North Africa

The Egyptians overthrew their dictator and we helped the Libyans overthrow theirs, here’s what their doing with their freedom of assembly and right to protest:

This is all over this film created by some random American group:

I struggled to make through even 5 minutes of that shitty trailer. It’s so poorly done, if it makes anyone look bad, it’s not Mohamed or Muslims, it’s the jackasses who made it.

What’s really interesting though, is the response it’s getting in North Africa. They’re attacking US diplomatic missions. This film wasn’t made by the United States government, so what are they mad at the United States for?

It sure looks like they’re mad at us because we allow our people freedom of speech, the same freedom they’re exercising. The difference is the film didn’t kill anybody. The protesters, on the other hand…

(Via Atheist Media Blog)