Lighthouses > Churches ~ Smacking Roses

Bill Nye Smacks Creationists
I’m much too young for Mr. Wizard, but as a kid close to Seattle, I was lucky enough to have Bill Nye the Science Guy. This dude has the charisma of Degrasse Tyson but with the gumption to tell creationist parents to not indoctrinate their children into a religion that will stunt their educational growth. Because we need our kids to be as smart as possible to take on the global market… To keep our country an attractive choice for other smart people to live and perpetuate the smart people cycle.

In a more polite way than I would have said it, Bill puts some verbal smackdown on Creationists. There are just so many fry cook positions available. If you and yours want to believe untrue things, then education choices are severely limited – which makes jobs even more scarce for you to choose from. Watch the video he recorded for Big Think below.

I really love this guy.


Smellin’ Like Roses
Cardinal Dolan is giving benediction at the Republican National Conference in a few days. That is rather to be expected. What was even less surprising now that I think about it, is Dolan offered to give a prayer at the Democratic National Convention but was turned down by the DNC. This is not a surprise for a couple reasons. Dolan is a major opponent to Obama’s medical policy – the so-called Obama-care. And, don’t forget that Dolan sued three White House cabinet members because of the same policy because it includes the option for birth control. Also, Obama is pushing for LGBT rights. I’m not even getting into how bronze age Dolan sounds when he speaks about the LGBT community.

So I wonder why anyone is surprised when the DNC turns down Dolan’s request to pray for them?

Dolan is crazy like a fox though. He smells like roses in his supporter’s eyes whether he scored the DNC or not. If he got the gig, he would look like a great leader trying to cross the divide. If he didn’t get it, then Obama looks like the bad guy because most of the people in the USA cannot remember that far back.

Don’t let people forget.



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