My Nephew Needs a Walker

Last week I wrote about how technology can change my nephew’s life. Some of the technology is available now, but for some of it we will have to wait. While robotic assistance will be nice to help him walk, that won’t be developed for years or decades. Fortunately there is some very simple, yet expensive, technology that can help him walk today.

As I mentioned earlier, his weak core strength and poor motor control makes it so he’s not stable enough to walk on his own. The Mullholland Walkabout can stabilize his torso and support some of his weight which allows him to walk and would free him to explore the world he lives in (sounds like something any freethinker could get excited about).

He got to try one out at Shriners a few months ago and did great with it as you can see here:

My sister is trying to raise $2000 to help pay for the purchase of one. If you can help out, feel free to throw a few dollars her way using FundRazr on Facebook. When she’s raised enough money and has it, I’ll make sure we get a picture, or even better a video, for you all to see. We’d all appreciate it if you could help out.