Camping’s “Flabbergasted”

A reporter actually got to talk to Camping for a few minutes.

But today, almost 18 hours after he thought he’d be in Heaven, there was Camping, “flabbergasted” in Alameda, wearing tan slacks, a tucked-in polo shirt and a light jacket.
Birds chirped. A gentle breeze blew. Across the street, neighbors focused on their yard work and the latest neighborhood gossip.

“I’m looking for answers,” Camping said, adding that meant frequent prayer and consultations with friends.

“But now I have nothing else to say,” he said, closing the door to his home. “I’ll be back to work Monday and will say more then.”

Too bad he’s not apologetic, remorseful, or willing to admit he’s wrong or delusional. He got people to give up everything for nothing. People have killed themselves over this. He has caused people real harmed. “Flabbergasted” just doesn’t cut it.


  1. yeah totally with you on that one. "flabbergasted" just doesn't quite cut it.

  2. People killed themselves. Really? How awful

  3. yeah totally with you on that one. "flabbergasted" just doesn't quite cut it.

  4. yeah totally with you on that one. "flabbergasted" just doesn't quite cut it.

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