Rapture Day Close Out

Nobody rose into the sky. No tombs were opened. There was a magnitude 6.1 earthquake on the Kermadec Islands in the South Pacific Island (although it was actually May 22) and Iceland’s most active volcano had another eruption.

Looks like Camping was wrong.

I almost included something along the lines of, “I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of Camping’s followers commit suicide,” in today’s earlier post, which I wrote a few days ago. But I didn’t. I figured it would be too dark, kind of sick.

Unfortunately, I guess I must be a bit of a prophet because there have been at least one suicide, and an attempted murder-suicide, all tied to today’s non-events. I wouldn’t be surprised if more stories come to light in the coming days.

If Biblical rules were followed, Camping would be stoned to death. If he were to follow the customs of many ancient cultures he’d kill himself. Unfortunately he probably won’t even see a jail cell.

(Tragic stories Via Pharyngula)


  1. Well it looks like Mabus has found your blog.

  2. Perhaps, but that message is now marked as spam. This has been happening all week, I may have to find a solution.

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