The Great Disappointment 2.0

Keeping in line with the Millerite Movement 2.0 theme, it’s got to suck for Harold Camping and his followers. By now it’s already 6:00 pm around much of the world. I have to ask, where are the earthquakes and exhumed corpses they predicted?

They’ll probably keep waiting for a few days, just in case the math was a little off. But eventually it’ll all sink in that Camping is a worthless piece of shit who conned a lot of people out of their money, jobs, and lives. He may try to save himself by having a correction “revealed” to him, but in the end his followers will hopefully leave him.

For the way Camping’s gotten people to drain their retirement accounts, sell their homes and other possessions, and quit their jobs to help spread his delusional message, he deserves to be charged with fraud. If he actually believed it then he’s clearly insane (or senile, he is 89 after all) and a danger to society and needs to be institutionalized. Unfortunately, it won’t ever happen because deep down every Christian hoped he was right, hoped that Jesus would come and take them all away.

Who knows, this may bring about some good. It may prompt some Adventists and Jehovah’s Witnesses to consider how their churches were started by the stubborn fools who couldn’t admit they were wrong after the Great Disappointment when William Miller’s predicted day for Christ’s return, October 22, 1844, based on equally dubious calculations, had come and gone just like any other day. Hopefully a few might come to their senses.

I hope a few Christians who look at this story will realize that they’re part of a long line of people who have been waiting for Christ’s soon return for almost 2000 years. In what kind of a sick, twisted game would 2000 years be considered soon? I’m sorry people, but if he hasn’t come “back” by now, he’s never coming back, that is assuming he ever even existed in the first place.

I know that a lot of atheists around the country are planning parties for today, but not me. Considering my background in the Adventist church and my knowledge of its history, I actually feel sorry for the poor fools.