Let’s Help Out Damon Fowler

Here’s the short run down:

  • Tuesday Damon Fowler informed his principle that he would contact the ACLU to sue the school if they violated the First Amendment by having a school sanctioned prayer.
  • The school backed down and replaced the invocation with a moment of silence.
  • He started receiving lots of harassment and death threats.
  • His mom cut off his contact with the world, including family. He’s going to be kicked out and probably won’t get any support from his parent’s for college.
  • His brother is going to take him in and save him from the hateful Christian world that this atheist teen is suffering in down in Louisiana. 
  • FFRF has given Damon a $1000 scholarship. If you haven’t yet, you should join FFRF. They rock!
  • Hemant Mehta, over at Friendly Atheist set up a scholarship fund (I just gave $50, I hope one of you out does me):
  • At the rehearsal the student who was originally tasked with the invocation and then tasked with leading a moment of silence still gave an invocation.
  • If she wasn’t yanked from the program then the school is certainly giving her tacit approval to start the program with an invocation. The graduation is over by now, but I haven’t heard what happened yet. If she still gave in invocation then the school WILL be sued