Lighthouses > Churches – Gingerbread Android & Catholic AIDS

God Approved Tablet
For the low price of $149.99, you too can buy an android tablet that is God approved. Steve Jobs could never say that (sure he tried to though). Yep, for only $149.99, you can have the Lords word brought to you via audio streaming while reading one of 27 different versions of the perfect word of God! Even better, you do not have to worry about your little ones using the camera to take naughty pictures – there are no cameras! Even better, the screen is an old school resistive model which means you won’t have to use the fingers God gave you to dirty up the screen. Be sure to buy a touch screen stylus to help the Lord take over and do your work for you…

Specs include:
7″ diagonal resistive touch screen
K-LOVE & Air1 Christian streams
Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread
8GB storage / 512MB ram
Christian safe browser
App Square app store
27 preinstalled bibles
Proprietary charger
4,500 mAH battery
Integrated stand
802.11 b/g wifi
MicroSD slot
HDMI port
No cameras
480×800 res
14.2 ounce
135 dpi

Now, you too can go with God… straight to Starbucks and check your g(od)mail just like the rest of the hipsters.


Free AIDS Medicine
The Vatican spoke through a representative at the 8th International AIDS Conference in Rome a few days ago. Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone had many caring and compassionate words for the sick people all around Africa, saying:

Let us ensure that AIDS sufferers are given prompt, free and effective treatment. Access to treatment should be universal. Let us do this beginning with mothers and children. Here, in the name of the Holy Father, I speak for so many suffering voices, for so many sick people who have no voice: let us not waste time, but invest in the necessary resources. We can no longer tolerate the death of so many mothers. We cannot think of thousands of children as a lost generation. Nothing is lost; Africa has sufficient resources; it is the continent of hope.

I want to stop that pompous asshat right there… The AIDS epidemic in Africa would not be nearly as bad if the Catholics would teach the ABC method to their followers. If the Catholics would stop teaching *abstinence only* along with a large side of bronze age mythology attached to it, Africa would be a much healthier place for one simple reason: condoms work.

While I congratulate the Catholics for bringing awareness to the horrendous problem, AIDS in Africa, it shouldn’t be this bad. I have a feeling, if condoms were freely available and hell-fire was not preached for their use, the necessity to beg pharmacies – like Bertone pleaded – would not be such an issue. In that alternate universe, it might even have been manageable.


Thoughts & Ramblings
Sometimes I hate writing about such an easy target as the Catholic church. But that’s the thing. It’s not an easy target or else the Vatican along with every other religion and myth would have imploded by the middle ages. As science and reason swept over the globe, the duo would have peaceably extinguished the embers of the church.

It’s my experience that when religious people come across articles like this, they either scoff, justify it to the “greater good”, or ignore it completely. Their religion and it’s tenants of faith keep people trapped in a world that simply does not exist. Their God and the bible is the biggest rat maze around… Trying to navigate the paths of logical fallacies, deceptions, and outright lies is nearly impossible for those indoctrinated from birth. Their invisible friend is hungry for the minds of children.

First Corinthians 13:11 ~~ KJV
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Come on people. It’s time to put away those childish things. Time to grow up and let go of your invisible friends. This is the only life you have. Use it well and don’t be a dick. You know that people in the LGBT community are not evil. You know a vast majority of people in all churches have used contraception at one time or another. You know *most* atheists do not eat babies.

Want a better world? Get up off your knees and do something.


My last grandparent just died. Found out today at work. I barely knew my grandma on my father’s side, but I have that much less of a link to my past and it hurts.  I’m rambling again.

Feel free to email me, add me on Google+, or Facebook.

I may be an atheist, but at least I’m not a sasquatch.


  1. First Corinthians 13:11 ~~ KJV
    When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    Come on people. It’s time to put away those childish things. Time to grow up and let go of your invisible friends. This is the only life you have. Use it well and don’t be a dick. You know that people in the LGBT community are not evil. You know a vast majority of people in all churches have used contraception at one time or another. You know *most* atheists do not eat babies.

    I’ve used that verse on theists often.. Babies do taste good. I like your writing style. I may read more

  2. Rumor has it you are a sasquach

  3. Rumor has it you are a sasquatch sympathizer… :p

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