Lighthouses > Churches – A Test, Conventions, & Zombie Hordes

Are You an Asshat? Take This Test
Do you discriminate against any group of people? Do you want a group of people to not have rights that you enjoy? Do you love Jesus? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you quite probably are an asshat. Yep, if you can think of any activity that you like/don’t like to do – but it would rub you the wrong way to think of a black, gay, atheist woman doing the same thing – you have issues… Just like Elaine and John Huguenin of New Mexico.

I’ve had “you might be a redneck” styled questions on discrimination floating through my brain for a few days now. Perfect timing since the Elaine and John Huguenin trial just wrapped up. The brief is here if you want to read it. All of this began in December 2006 when a lesbian couple asked to have their commitment ceremony photographed. Elaine and John refused to photograph people from a protected group for religious reasons. While New Mexico does not allow same sex marriage or civil unions, they do have a good Human Rights Act (HRA) on the books. The state’s HRA shields protected groups from discrimination in a variety of ways – including sexual orientation.

The New Mexico Human Rights Commission fined Elane Photography $6,637.94 and in doing so, started 6 years of legal battles. While the courts keep finding in favor or the couple, the photographers continue to push the battle further due in no small part to the funding and legal support from the Alliance Defense Fund.

I’m sure the Huguenins are nice people – for the most part. But when anyone invokes a comparison likening lesbians to the damn KKK, they have some fricken issues. Nice people or bigots, you decide. Especially if you live in New Mexico. Do you want Elane Photography to get your business when a photographer is needed? Just a thought.


Dublin Offlines Conference – June 30th
Just a note: There is a conference on Scientology June 30th in Dublin, Ireland. It’s being hosted by the Dublin Offlines – a group of ex-scientologists. They even talked the great grandson of L. Ron Hubbard – Jamie De Wolfe – into speaking at the event. (Between you and me, I do not think it took much to convince Jamie to speak there)

Anyway, if you are in the area and planning to go, I would love to hear about it! Please use the link below and get in contact with me.


The Amaz!ng Meeting
I would like to remind everyone that TAM 2012 will be starting in 34 days… Get your tickets ASAP. Not only are the tickets selling fast, but this might very well be the last TAM – what with the end of the world and all. Don’t be one of the people wishing they went before the Mayan predictions come true.


Good Christian + Drugs = Zombie
Yovonka Bryant, the former girlfriend of Rudy Eugene, hired celebrity attorney Gloria Allred to help with a press conference. Yovonka wants the world to know that the man who mauled the face of a homeless guy in Miami, FL was a good Christian that always kept his Bible and Quran at his side.

Just remember that being Christian and taking drugs does not mix. Zombieism has happened before – about 2000 years ago – with a whole town coming back to life. We don’t need another outbreak.


Superman Returns – Again
Had to get something for the Catholics in the post… Wicked Awesome
Man of Steel



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