Lighthouses > Churches – Sellouts & Secrets

Paul Ryan. If you’ve only heard his name recently, then you might have heard of his absurd economic plan for the US or perhaps you heard about his love for his church – the Roman Catholics. If however, you remember him from years gone by, then you probably remember him for his love of Ayn Rand and Objectivism. Heck, he even made all of his aides read “Atlas Shrugged” in 2003. Most did not finish the book, but it’s an interesting tidbit.

For this discussion, I don’t care what Paul’s beliefs are. He needs to own them. Grab onto them like a microphone and rock the house. I admire Tom Cruise for that. Even though Tom is unstable at best, he doesn’t back down from his beliefs. When I hear about 90 Catholics from Georgetown University write an open letter to Paul Ryan about his politics – and the dude just flops over – it irks me. Paul rolls over and gives up his belly like an animal that knows he is bested. It sickens me.

Own your beliefs until there is evidence to the contrary. Don’t let pressure from people who have no quality evidence change your mind. Stand up for what you know. But always keep an open mind to new proof. As John Maynard Keynes said:

When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?


Get Married / Get Fired
Former Catholic priest – Father Kevin Lee – (formerly) of Padre Pio Parish in Glenmore Park, Sydney, AU – was excommunicated a couple days ago. Why, you ask? He is not accused of being a pedophile. He is not preaching intolerance against the LGBT community that I know of. So why is he out on his arse? He announced to his parishioners that he has been secretly married for over a year.

Being both husband and priest would not last long. Bishop Anthony Fisher, the leader of the diocese, was quick to remove Lee from the priesthood and took the extra step of excommunication.

Kevin was a Catholic priest for over 20 years. When he met Josephina and fell in love, they got married in secret. But, he never tried hard to keep his wife a secret so Kevin figures that many people already knew or had suspicions. Without giving names of other priests, Kevin inferred that there are many other priests that are married but hiding their wives. Kevin told local 7News that he pities the other priests that are “sacrificing” their lives for the church. He went on to say:

I feel sorry for them, I really do, but I think they need to admit they are not being led properly. I think celibacy has to go as a prerequisite for being a minister in the Catholic religion.

When you put anyone up on a pedestal, you set them up for failure. Once you add unrealistic stipulations to the mix, it becomes a recipe for disaster.

Poverty, chastity, and obedience. The vows of a priest can bring in some people who think they are doing great things for the world. As we’ve seen, they also bring in men who use the position to prey on others. If the priests were allowed to marry, it would be a great perk or sorts. Might even attract a higher quality of man to the job as well. Just a thought.


Penny Arcade
Penny Arcade


Feel free to email me or add me on Google+

Side note:  If anyone lives around Tacoma, Bremerton, or Seattle, let me know.  Meet up for a drink and a BS session.  =)


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