1. Well, Google just ate a large post I made on this, so I will summarize:

    Lamar's attitude on the writer wanting to start a secular high school club was disgusting, your points and position on this were very good. I may unsubscribe from this podcast he pissed me off so much with his reaction to this notion.

  2. If you generally like the Chariots of Iron, unsubscribing over one thing you disagree with Lamar about might be a little unwarranted.

    One of the biggest benefits of having more than one host on a show is being able to get more points of view. While I obviously didn't agree with the position Lamar took, his position did give the letter writer more things to think about, which is a good thing.

    Robert, I will be sharing this with Lamar. Feel free to use the contact page on Chariots of Iron or email me with the more complete message.

  3. Meh, sorry, I don't feel like typing it all out again. Basically it sounded like a response one would expect from a Christian. The laughable but infuriating details of his side of the conversation/response would do nothing to meet the needs of the letter writer in this case (which you illustrated for him – thank you).

    Creating essentially a 'stealth' club based on science or philosophy when the writer clearly is looking to solely connect with fellow atheists is just inane. And the suggestion the writer just 'get together to talk about girls' or somesuch outside of school was laughable and embarrassing.

    Don't get me wrong, I am aware there are lots of potential hazards with starting a high school secular club (a lot different from a college-based one), which is why I imagine it's rarely done successfully. And your pointing the writer to the Secular Student Alliance was definitely the way for the writer to go to get good advice.

    But Lamar's approach to this just reeked for me, what was his problem? Frankly he sounded like he was in a bad mood the whole podcast and would have preferred being anywhere else. I have actually previously had no problem with Lamar until this podcast, but his take on this really rubbed me the wrong way.

    Damnit, now see you've gone and essentially made me write the whole thing again. :-p

    BTW, grats on breaking out of religion! And if you happen to speak to Lamar, tell him his voice sounds EXACTLY like the character Bob Mapplethorpe from the movie Bottle Rocket. I'm actually curious if anyone has ever told him that before. He really is a dead ringer.

    Take care and keep on rockin'!

  4. Robert, I hope you didn't miss that Lamar's final advice to Chris was to follow my advice and contact the SSA.

  5. Robert, I hope you didn't miss that Lamar's final advice to Chris was to follow my advice and contact the SSA.

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