
I do want to apologize to all of you, my valued readers about some of my shortcomings lately. My standard is to post the primary post each day at 12:00 noon Mountain time and to have my primary original content posts on Sunday and Wednesday, a rant on Fridays, something science related on Tuesday, something random or political on Mondays, answers to questions or whatever else I feel like covering on Thursday, and some kind of satire on Saturdays. My goal has been to be three days to a week ahead on posts, but I haven’t be able to do that for the last few months due to how much I’ve had to work and some of my stress levels. Heck, I’ve even had a few 11 and 12 day work weeks, including last last week, but I try to make it so that these don’t impact the blog. Unfortunately the time constraints, exhaustion, and motivation levels have been down lately.

Since last week and the week before blurred into a 100 – 110 hour 11 day work week I wasn’t able to get something up to my standard out on Sunday, so I just posted an awesome video I’d found that had already made its way around the blogosphere. The post that will be out in a few hours is late in part due to having a last minute root canal done yesterday, closing at work yesterday, and working an early, near opening shift today. I wrote part of this post while I was exhausted and trying to get some rest over the weekend and I’m finishing it up after getting off work and taking Vicoden to keep the pain levels down while I wait for the antibiotics to do their thing.

In the next few weeks I will be making an effort to getting back ahead, so that when things come up it won’t impact the standard blog post release schedule, but as we all know life does happen, so there’s no guarantees. I may also skip a few Mondays and Thursdays to make it a little easier. I won’t make much progress this weekend since I’m hosting a Brother Sam Singleton bar crawl Friday night with the after party at my place, I’ll probably spend a good part of Saturday helping people get over their hangovers and then going to Brother Sam’s show Saturday night.

If it seems like I’m being too hard on myself, I am not. I’ve managed to get quite a few new readers recently and I don’t want to lose them, I don’t want to let down my more long term readers, and this blog has a chance of helping me realize some of my long term goals. I am a bit of a perfectionist, so allow me this.