Lighthouses > Churches – Mini post #1

Shorties Today
Extra long (and broke the site) last time… Only blurbs this time… Forgot my notes at work over the weekend. My bad!


Anti-Gay Signs Pulled
Good on Boris Johnson – the mayor of London – for not allowing signs on busses that claim people can pray away their gay and converted to heterosexual (and christianity, I bet).

Mike Davidson, the leader of Core Issues believes homosexuality is a sin. And, he has the answer. Using reparative therapy (conversion therapy) on gay christians, he can develop their heterosexual potential. This bollocks is backed by the larger Anglican Mainstream, a worldwide orthodox Anglican group whose supporters have equated homosexuality with alcoholism.

I don’t care what the Mayor’s reasons are for yanking the signs. I’m glad he did it.


Quack Fundraises to Take Water to Africa
I’m not quite sure how I could make this any more funny /or/ sad. Anne Tottingham is a reiki instructor and homeopath over in Edington, UK. She suckered in some of her friends into swimming to raise funds for a homeopathic AIDS clinic in Botswana which Anne will be working at soon. Mind = Blown.


Saying no to Ref 74
I bet Archbishop J. Peter Sartain is getting hot around the collar as his Catholic parishes say no to becomming signature gathering points to roll back Referendum 74 – the same sex marriage bill in Washington State. Yet another example of societies values affecting change on the church… and not the other way around. I love it.



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