The #ReasonRally is a once in a lifetime opportunity

You have no idea how excited I am about the Reason Rally. As this goes live my second and last flight to DC should be taking off! It’s really a once in a lifetime opportunity. Where else do you get to see Sen. Tom Harkin (by video) and Richard Dawkins share the stage? Or Bad Religion and Tim Minchin at the same event? Were else could you find yourself in a crowd of 30,000 – 50,000 atheists, at least in the US, on the National Mall at the peak of the Cherry Blossoms*? Where else can you see Nate Phelps speak while his family and the rest of the WBC are protesting?

It will be epic. Simply amazing.

*Every time someone points out that it’s the peak of the cherry blossoms I think I fan feel my heart rate increase. No it’s not excitement, its wondering if I’ll be able to breath or see a damn thing with all that pollen in the air. I wasn’t tested for cherry pollen since the tests only covered allergens common to Idaho, but if it’s anything like May was for me I’ll be miserable. I’m taking my Zyrtec and steroid nasal spray, and I hope they help… Either way I won’t let it dampen the EPIC AWESOMENESS that is to be the next 10 days of my godless life!


  1. It’s not really that big of a deal…

    But I hope you’re safe and have fun.

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