My Favorite Christmas Movie

My favorite Christmas movie is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Yes, it’s lame, but it’s hilarious. I was probably about 12 years old when I made it my Christmas tradition. Within a few years it just didn’t seem like the Holiday Season until I watched it. I think I may have taken a few year hiatus from it, after all the Holidays are busy at work, and as a recent deconvert I didn’t care much for Christmas.

Christmas was never the big holiday for my family. Thanksgiving was. I’m not sure why, but that’s just the way it’s always been. So naturally, Christmas hasn’t ever been a big deal for me, at least not as much as Thanksgiving.

This weekend, I had a few friends over, and when I found out they hadn’t seen Christmas Vacation, I was shocked, and insisted that we sit down and watch it. Thanks to them, my Christmas tradition was restored.

Watching the movie, I noticed the emphasis on presents, family, ridiculous decorations, and the tree. Clark read “The Night Before Christmas,” but there was no nativity, no reading of Luke 2, no church services, and no mention of the baby Jesus. It’s amazing to think that the war on Christmas was going strong even in 1989 ;).


  1. I always find it fascinating how people have such unique "christmas" celebrations even though I think the main point was to be about jesus' birth to begin with. You never see people putting so much emphasis on christ and the bible when the real and important things are the family and friends that come about when nearing christmas. Of course the gifts are an awesome bonus. It's like when you get invited to a party and the only reason you go is for the free food.

  2. I always find it fascinating how people have such unique "christmas" celebrations even though I think the main point was to be about jesus' birth to begin with. You never see people putting so much emphasis on christ and the bible when the real and important things are the family and friends that come about when nearing christmas. Of course the gifts are an awesome bonus. It's like when you get invited to a party and the only reason you go is for the free food.

  3. I always find it fascinating how people have such unique "christmas" celebrations even though I think the main point was to be about jesus' birth to begin with. You never see people putting so much emphasis on christ and the bible when the real and important things are the family and friends that come about when nearing christmas. Of course the gifts are an awesome bonus. It's like when you get invited to a party and the only reason you go is for the free food.

  4. I always find it fascinating how people have such unique "christmas" celebrations even though I think the main point was to be about jesus' birth to begin with. You never see people putting so much emphasis on christ and the bible when the real and important things are the family and friends that come about when nearing christmas. Of course the gifts are an awesome bonus. It's like when you get invited to a party and the only reason you go is for the free food.

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