Comment system and policy and other administrative details

I’ve noticed my DNS revert back to thinking this site is on blogger throughout the day, but it usually comes back within a few minutes. This should become less frequent over the next day and according to Google Apps and GoDaddy the process should be complete within 24 – 48 hours, so the name server transition should be complete by 11:00 pm MST tomorrow.

I’ve decided not to install Disqus again. WordPress has pretty rich comment system and with the Akismet plugin it should provide an adequate level of spam detection. As such I have made the appropriate changes and a few other adjustments to the comment policy now on version 2.2.0.

Since the blog is costing me a lot more money than it has in the past and the average number of page views has increase significantly recently I have resumed advertising. I’ll be tweaking the arrangement and configuration of the ads over the course of the weekend. Also, to make you aware of the cookies involved (and to be compliant with AdSense policies) I have added a privacy policy.

The more I play with WordPress the more I love it. In fact, I can’t really think of anything I actually liked about Blogger (including the look and feel both the blog’s theme and the dashboard) other than the price. Don’t be surprised if this makes me a happier and more enthusiastic blogger, it may even result in me posting a little more frequently now that I’m showing off my work on a medium that I think does it justice.

For the RSS subscribers, even though you’re subscription may say the feed is at, please note that the address does not exist. However, there is no need to update your subscription since it is already redirected to Feedburner which is pulling from the WordPress feed.

As far as I know the only items on my to do list to finish the transition is to clean up the article categories and advertising. Then I can just go back to enjoying blogging in style…