A Guide to Following Your Favorite Blogs

I know a lot you check the blog through Facebook posts, tweets, or by visiting the url. There are also quite a few who subscribe to the RSS feed.

I follow a total of 18 blogs. A few make numerous posts each day, most are very infrequent. I don’t think I could keep track of any of them on Facebook either due to not being their friends on that social network or just due to all the clutter from having over 200 friends. It would be a little easier on Twitter, but almost as impossible due to the clutter. Visiting 18 URLs each day would be very time consuming and generally fruitless since most of those would have no new content.

So how do I do it? I utilize RSS feeds which I manage and view on Google Reader. This alows me to see all their updates in one convenient location from anywhere in the world, I also use Reader to keep up on the news and a handful of other sites. I also have the Android Google Reader app on my Droid2.

The only downside for me to people using the RSS feed is that it gives me less information about my readers, but if it makes it easier for you to read my blog, that’s fine by me. If you want to subscribe to the feed just use the link at the top of the side bar.