Telling Your Parents You’re an Atheist, Part 3 – A response from my mom

It appears that through some misunderstandings I misrepresented my mom, please see her email below:

I just read your most recent blog and want to make a correction. The question about whether or not a 60 yr old Catholic should convert to Adventism and my response in the negative must have been misunderstood. On the phone Adventism and Atheism could sound very mush alike.

I do believe that anyone of any age should convert to Adventism when they feel convicted. Please make this correction to your blog.

Also in reference to gays, I know many gay people and I accept and love them for the person they are. I also would like that statement to be corrected. I do not want your blog to put a wedge between me and any gay person I may know that might be following you blog.

Your blog is very well written, thank you for the kind comments about your parents. Thank you for taking care of the above request.

Love you,



I love you too and I am happy to make the corrections.