The Truth Will Set You Free

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. – John 8:32 (NIV)

I fear that I failed miserably last time at trying to lessen the fears of those struggling with doubt. To be honest about it, its because it’s a process that just plain sucks, but the end result is worth it.

If you take the journey of doubt and honestly follow the evidence, it will take you one of two places, either you will return to a much stronger faith or you will find yourself as a freethinker. While most freethinkers are atheists, not all, in my own experience I was one (even thought I didn’t know it) before I was an atheist.

Freethinkers are those who are free of dogma, authority, and tradition, so if you become one of us you can find yourself basing decisions on science, logic, and reason instead. I can say without a doubt that it is very liberating.

You will be free of the cognitive dissonance that plagued you through your time of doubt.

You will be free of motivations for hatred against those of other faiths or sexual orientations and identities.

You will be free of moral commands that make you suppress who you are, so you can fit into artificial normative molds.

You will be free of authority figures who claim a divine right to tell you how to live.

You will be free of emotional guilt trips that seek to dictate your very thoughts.

You will be free of fear over the final destination of a soul you never had.

You will be free of ancient superstitions and myths.

You will be free to appreciate the scriptures of the world’s religions for the beautiful work of ancient literature that they are.

You will be free of having to explain away the horrible parts of your own tradition’s scripture.

You will be free to base moral decisions on sound reasoning for the benefit of humanity or the entire planet, rather than the commands of an imaginary dictator.

You will be free to feel compassion for the less fortunate, taking into account the deterministic forces that got them to where they are.

You will be free to experience real closure when a loved one dies.

You will be free to seek knowledge without fear of where that might lead.

You will be free to appreciate the true beauty of nature for what it is, the incredible product of natural forces that we can and to a large extent do understand.

Isn’t it worth it to be free?


  1. Dustin! Knock it off! Don't ever feel you've "failed" to lesson the fears of experiencing the liberating feelings of Doubt! Read your own words. They express, so well, the real distres of jetising religion as well as the rewards thereof. For some of us it was a long twisted road. It has been replaced with a much more serene path. It's also easier to choose which direction to follow when those forks in the trail appear. It is all well worth it to "be free". Please continue with your encouraging words. grasshoppa

  2. A definite "Yes!" to each of those points. I've made the (sometimes tough and painful) journey and it *is* liberating and worth it.

    Thank you for your service, Mr. Williams, and keep spreading the good news!

  3. Wow, you guys are being way to kind….

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