Lighthouses > Churches – Unicorns, Tattoos, & NPR

Unicorns Proven!
Want to see what lengths a people will go to in deifying a man and legitimizing an empire? Look no further than North Korea. That’s right. North Korean scientists from the History Institute of the National Academy of Sciences didn’t just confirm the past existence of unicorns, but RECONFIRMED it (somehow).

The government’s news channel, Korean Central News Agency, told the people that they found a unicorn grave in an old temple inside the capital of Pyongyang. A large rectangular rock had the words “Unicorn Lair” carved into it nearby at the temple entrance.

Stories like this help bolster the greatness of the new government and the old empire by showing the majesty of both. The unicorn helps build the half man – half myth of King Dongmyeong. He was said to have ridden a unicorn and united the tribes around the Korean peninsula after the Han dynasty fell. It’s also said King Dongmyeong was born from an egg that was impregnated by sunlight. Maybe we should take this whole thing with a grain of salt.


Sad Sad Sad…
Eric Hartsburg of Michigan City, Indiana wants to get a tattoo removed.
Idiot with a Romney Ryan tattoo on his face
Yes, that is the swoosh-y Romney/Ryan logo on his right temple. Eric put his face on Ebay for a starting price of $5,000. A Republican supporter made a deal with him to keep the Romney/Ryan tattoo until at least the election was over. For this, this dude paid Eric $15,000 dollars.

Am I the only one that has Bugs Bunny’s voice going through their head saying “What a rube… What a maroon…”? Then again, this guy is a semi-professional wrestler and running for mayor in his town. #WINNING

Ok, so the mayor thing might be a joke. Watch the video and decide for yourself.


NPR Bites Back
NPR has an excellent program called “Science Friday”. If you haven’t heard it, check it out. Just be careful that you do not go to the “Real Science Friday” site that is run by fundamentalist pastor Bob Enyart. The “Real Science Friday” style and logo is mocked up to look like the NPR site and logo and has confused many people over the years. For the confusion caused by Pastor Bob and his site, NPR is suing him for cybersquatting, trademark infringement, and damaging their reputation.

I say good on the NPR for not turning the other cheek. After 20 years of Science Fridays, NPR has built up over 2 million listeners and a great reputation in the industry. There is no reason to see this little asshat tarnish their name while putting out complete crap on their site.

Take from the head of their site, Pastor Bob and his site even take pot-shots at NPR saying,

Don’t Be Fooled by NPR’s parody titled Science Friday 😉 Welcome to the REAL Science Friday with co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart who talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you’d get good wings.) Not only do we get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott, and easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne, but we also occasionally interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today’s accepted creed that nothing created everything.

This reeks of any church that sends the IRS a DVD of a pastor telling their parishioners who to vote for. Something that is illegal in this country – if the church wants to keep their tax-free status. They want to make a mockery of the system without having any reprocussions. Hopefully a judge that likes NPR will get this case.



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