Lighthouses > Churches – Goodness Golly Gosh

Don’t Extradite Me, Bro!
Bernard Kevin McGrath (65) is a convicted sex offender and former Catholic brother. He was jailed in 2006 for offenses against boys at Marylands School in Christchurch, New Zealand. He was in prison for the same reason back in the 1990s. Guess why he is wanted across the Tasman Sea in Australia now? Ok, that was too easy. Guess how many counts? 252. No, really.

When former Brother Bernard left Sri Lanka and returned to Christchurch, he was arrested on the Australian charges. Bernard was granted bail two weeks ago and again today with the restriction of no contact with anyone under the age of 16. The court also asked him to consider allowing extradition to Australia. His extradition hearing is set for January 28th.

I have nothing else to say about this person besides I hope he rots in prison.


Imposing Your Beliefs
Luke Vander Bleek is a Catholic and a pharmacist. And, if you live in Illinois, you might have the court sanctioned opportunity to have him impose his beliefs on you.

Luke Vander Bleek, of Morrison, and Glenn Korisog of Wheaton both defied an executive order to fill the morning after pill prescription at their pharmacies. The Attorney Generals office took them to court and just lost the case. They will not appeal. Luke, a good Catholic and conscientious objector, had this to say,

I’m a Catholic man and I have submitted myself to the teachings of the Catholic Church on those issues. Albeit no perfect person at the same time, but I think the government has to step aside and allow people to express their religious convictions and to live by them.

I just had a chuckle when I replaced “Catholic” with “Westboro Baptist”… Doesn’t have such a nice ring any more, does it? hmmmm…


Merry Fucking Christmas!



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