DarkMatter2525’s take on Christ and Christmas

The finally straw in my own departure from faith was the sacrificial atonement. I never liked it, I never found any beauty in it, heck, I always had a hard time accepting it, but it took years for me to finally be able to reject it on the grounds that anyway you look at it, it’s unjust.


  1. About Jesus’ sacrifice. According to the gospels, Jesus committed suicide: he was warned not to go to Jerusalem; but he went; at the “supper” he said to his apostles “One of you will betray me”. When he shared the bread he said something like “the one who is going to eat this piece is going to betray me”, and he gave the piece to Judas; Judas was Jesus’ instrument of his own sacrifice. The Jews have no responsibility in it, nor the Romans. However all this is as much a myth as that of the “burning bush”. The problem is that, because of this story, the Christians killed so many people during 2000 years.

  2. The messiah , according to the old testament, should be born from the house of David. This is why the gospel mentionned “Joseph from the house of David”. Now if Jesus is born from the holy spirit and is not Joseph’son , he is not from the house of JDavid, therefore he cannot be the messiah.

  3. Jesus, the son of god, and sometimes refered to as god, doesn’t know the rules of nature he is supposed to have created. He killed a fig tree who didn’t bear fruits out of the season. This happened in spring while jesus was going to Jerusalem. He was hungry, saw a fig tree, asked one of the apostles to bring him some fruits. the apostle came back saying there were no fruits. Jesus killed the tree….However figs grow in fall. Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11: 12-24

    1. Simone, Syliva, Joana, or who ever you are, please stick to one name. Also, don’t think that changing what email address you use will make it look like you’re a different person, I’ve got better logs than that.

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