1. =p Haha… BKD is doing some hard hitting videos lately. Love it

  2. Yeah, it was about time the Morons (oops, forgot the “m”) got some attention.

    You know, I was reading their ridiculous forged “scriptures”, and quite apart from the infantile and bizarre themes concocted by Mr Smith, I simply couldn’t believe that grown adults can read that mindless pap out loud!

    Some of the passages in “Pearl of Great Price” are so obviously drawn from a supremely immature worldview that they read almost exactly like a grade 3 or 4 student’s attempt at fiction. I mean, come on – Moroni, Nephites, Lamanites, Lehites? That’s stuff a kindergarten kid would come up with – and probably in a better context too!

    The whole deal is so blatantly fake – factual errors, like getting where Jesus was born wrong, are the least of the problems in this infantile piece of drivel.

    But you have to hand it to Smith. As a con man, he’s supreme – he’s conned some of the smartest, as well as many of the most gullible people in the world.

    No human being, with a modern education (say, grade six level or so – pre-college, in other words), would possibly believe a single page of this garbage. And a six-year-old would be able to point out the hundreds and hundreds of inconsistencies in the first of Smiths’ “books”! Not to mention the bullshit about the glasses and seeing stones and hats – reading stuff from an upturned hat, for Chrissakes – that were debunked as soon as they happened. After all, the “stolen” papers shows beyond any possible hint of doubt that Smith was pulling a fast one, and got caught out, fair and square, by a “mere woman”! No wonder he wanted to have sex with as many women as he possibly could.

    But don’t take my word for it. Go and find an online copy of the “Pearl of Great Price” (couldn’t he have called it the “Rich Pearl”, or the “Holy Pearl”, or the “Expensive Pearl”, or “Pearl of Expense”, or anything else a 3 year-old could do better?), or any of the other bizarre fables, and read what the congregation has to say, and remember that these are grown up, educated, intelligent men and women saying things that sound like a two-year-old’s excited fairy tale. Oh, how sad.

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