Lighthouses > Churches ~ Disgust & Deconsecrate

Lisa Biron?
Lisa Biron is a name I’m sure most people have not heard. But, as a lawyer for the LGBT hating, Christian loving, ***Alliance Defense Fund, you might have felt her handiwork. Now, you get the chance to become familiar with another bit of her accused dirty work…

So here’s the deal. Lisa was arrested by the FBI Friday afternoon and plead not guilty today. Seven indictments of sexual exploitation of a child and possession of child pornography. This is a federal case because Lisa transported the female minor from New Hampshire – across state lines and international borders – into Ontario, Canada.

Federal prosecutors say Lisa coerced the girl into having sex with a men multiple times over a 4 day period. They have her laptop with the videos and photos to prove it. US Attorney John Kacavas said Lisa used Craigslist to find guys – both adult and minor males – to have sex with the girl. It seems Lisa has already threatened a potential witness in the case via text message saying, he would need to watch his back forever. There are reports of marijuana, ecstasy, and cocaine use too. But I am not sure if those drugs were used by Lisa or given to the girl – or the guys for that matter. No word if there will be drug charges or if the original child abuse charges in the lower court will be tried as well.

Nick Willard is the head detective on Manchester’s investigative unit. He said Lisa came to their attention on September 29th when a man whose identity is being protected right now, came forward to report finding the videos on her laptop. Since then, the FBI, Customs and Border Patrol, and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement have helped to investigate the case.

My two cents… It does not seem that the religious are the cornerstone of the moralistic society. In fact, I would say the reverse is true. With all of the hangups and complexes that religions give their followers on every topic – especially sex – it’s surprising that more people do not have serious problems… Or more likely, most of them are able to hide their issues better. Yes, most religious people are good and moral. But, the nice religious people get their morals from society – not their priests. Yes, I will keep saying that last sentence forever.

Oh, The trial begins in January. I hope the prison accommodations are to her liking. Ok, scratch that last line. I hope it’s crap in there.

***The Alliance Defense Fund has changed their name to the Alliance Defending Freedom


Poor Christians
Anyone remember last year when the city of Santa Monica, California decided to be fair to all groups and have a lottery to pick the 21 locations for holiday displays? The Christian group Santa Monica Nativity Scenes Committee (SMNSC) sure did. They formed a while back for a couple reasons. 1) Atheists/Skeptics won 18 of those slots last year. 2) After the stink Christians made, Santa Monica wisely decided to stop having the displays on city owned land all together.

The thirteen Christian based churches and the local police officer association wanted to keep having their religious displays on public land.

The SMNSC sued the city of Santa Monica, using their tool William Becker as an attorney. In what might be the shortest federal trial ever, U.S. District Court Judge Audrey Collins rejected the argument that the SMNSC’s 1st and 14th amendment rights were being trampled.

William Becker says they will appeal (and waste more money) saying,

The atheists won and they will always win unless we get courts to understand how the game is played and this is a game that was played very successfully and they knew it.

This is where two things become dreadfully apparent. 1) His Christian Privilege is showing. I’m sick-up-and-fed of their persecution complex. Christians are not being discriminated against when they are being treated equally. 2) William seems to have forgotten what it means to to be an honest attorney. Instead, he is attempting to use the courts until he finds a sympathetic judge to rule his way. Anyone want to start a petition to tell Good ‘ole William to take the first year of law school over again? Just a thought.

Oh, and Santa Monica? Thanks for sticking with your decision. It is a good one. Those thirteen churches can put up nativity displays on church (private) property with no cost to the public.



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