Lighthouses > Churches ~ Charlie & Dan Still Have Issues

Dozens of Black People
Welcome Charlie Webster. Charlie is the chairman of Maine’s Republican Party and guess what? He is upset that Obama got reelected. In a televised interview from November 13th, ole Charlie wanted to talk about possible voter fraud in his state saying,

In some parts of the state — for example, in some parts of rural Maine, there were dozens — dozens of black people who came in and voted election day. Everybody has a right to vote, but nobody in town knows anybody that’s black. How did that happen? I don’t know, but we’re going to find out.

That’s right. Secret black people came into the back woods towns of Maine to vote. Over one hundred thousand people driving or catching buses around to vote… and no one noticed the MASSIVE influx of people driving into the country to vote.

Last year the people of Maine voted to have same day voter registration put back on the books. Soon after, the Republicans tried to remove it but the Democrats blocked them and kept the same day registration on the books. Oddly enough, Charlie seems think there is a conspiracy between the Democrats and 60% of the people in Maine who approved that same day registration. Charlie, of course, had some choice words

Let’s just look at what happened on Tuesday. I mean, literally hundreds of new people came in. We don’t know if they’re residents or not but they came in and voted. And there’s no way of knowing that.

Sure, there is a sucker born every minute… But, is there a requirement for an idiot to be born every minute as well?  It’s rather sad that every Republican that I see in the news is there because they are a pathetic caricature of hate, intolerance, and plain stupidity.  It’s time for the Republicans to adapt or die.  Can they do it?  Doubtful.  But I’m open to the possibility.


Oh Chick fil-A…
It seems the company that sells hate-filled chicken sandwiches and the fast food darling of the religious right, is back in the news on Right Wing but for a different reason. check it out – it’s delicious.

The American Family Association has put out a “naughty or Nice” list each Christmas for a while now. Their aim is to try and “name N shame” companies then tell “good Christians” to boycott those companies that do not explicitly say “Christmas” in their holiday slogans or literature. Because we all know, any company that doesn’t explicitly acknowledge Christmas must be socialist or communist or some other -ist or some shit. Likewise, the Liberty Counsel has been doing the same thing for almost a decade.

Jeremy Hooper did a bit of research on Dan Cathy’s Chick fil-A and found advertisements and even a press release that continually mention “holiday” but not a “Christmas” in sight! These are things that continually earn very bad marks and boycott status for other companies on both the AFA and LC lists.

The question now becomes will these two groups aim their ineffective arrows at the Chick? Some how I rather doubt it, but it would be nice to see them be even handed with Dan and Chick fil-A.



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