1 Comment

  1. There was a lot more to it than the headline, unfortunately…

    The Labor party (Julia Gillard is the leader) has resisted calling for an enquiry for years and years. It was only because of the massive increase in public pressure that she finally relented and tried to “take back” the initiative by saying what she said about victims and so on and so forth.

    You can tell she’s pissed off and doesn’t really mean what her lips are saying, I have no idea why. I actually respected her before I found out she was hedging for so long. Both she and the Labor party have gone way down in my estimation (not that they were particularly favoured to begin with). We ain’t voting Labor next time. The Greens can have my vote, and I’m pretty sure my wife’s the same.

    Unfortunately for the many, many victims of the Catholic church’s pedophiles and (worse) high-level coverup, Cardinal George Pell was shown on every news broadcast immediately after the Gillard announcement, bullshitting away trying to claim that the “inquiry will find nothing”! Yeah, we know that, George – you’ve done everything in your power to bury the incriminating evidence before the stuff gets subpoena’d! Talk about the hypocrisy of the Catholics… Again, I used to respect George (he was my college’s chaplain), but not any more. There’s a leader who’s either hiding a shitload of offenders (most likely) and claiming he “knows nothing, hears nothing, sees nothing”, or else he really doesn’t know of any offenders, in which case he’s utterly incompetent and should go back to writing esoteric books about his mythical cult.

    Sorry to sound so negative, that’s not my usual response to a bit of positive news, but in this case, it’s been a terrible, delayed, and irresponsible refusal to accept responsibility and shine the light where it should have been decades ago.

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