Lighthouses > Churches – The BSA

Boy Scouts Emulate Catholics
The Los Angeles Times broke a story Sunday that has really, really pissed me off. The LA Times had access to 1,600 confidential Boy Scouts of America (BSA) files from 1970 to 1991. Each of those files were detailed reports of child molestation and abuse. About two thirds of the files were recorded after the police were involved. The other one third – about 500 files – were abuse reports given directly to the BSA that somehow never went to the police. About 100 of those were even actively covered up and moved elsewhere – some even getting letters of recommendation.

Back in 1990, a Maryland troop leader “readily agreed” that he committed the abuse that he was accused of. He was then given 6 weeks to plan his departure from the BSA. The BSA of course would never speak of his – shall we say – indiscretions. Goddamn. Quoting an official from inside the file:

This gave him an opportunity to withdraw from Scouting in a graceful manner to be determined by him. We also reminded [him] that he had agreed to keep the whole matter confidential and we would not talk to anyone in order to give [him] complete ability to voluntarily withdraw.

The file that pisses me off the most is from 1971. A scoutmaster walked into a tent where a 12 year old boy was blowing William Lazzareschi, an assistant troop leader. Lazzareschi at least fessed up and said it was what it looked like but that this was his first time. He didn’t just “trip or slip” and end up with the boy’s mouth on him. The police were never called and the boy was soon counselled by Rev. Edmond C. Micarelli. Micarelli, the camp Catholic chaplain, said the boy had “positive results” after the counselling. Revrend Micarelli recommending NOT telling the boy’s parents.

In not such a surprising twist, the good Reverend was black listed by the BSA in 1990 after a man reported that he and his little brother were raped by the good man. Later in 2002, 36 people successfully sued 11 Catholic priests – including Micarelli – from the Diocese of Providence. The Diocese paid 13.5 million to the group.

Last one I will share before I throw up. 1984. A Scout leader from LA was caught by police with hundreds of photos of boys doing disgusting things. The BSA worked closely with the police and CPS to keep that asshole out of the media. The summary that on one saw – or at least reported on was:

We recognize that this unfortunate situation was no reflection on the Boy Scouts of America whose integrity and reputation must be maintained.

Wait, I forget. Am I talking about the Boy Scouts, the Catholics, or ***NAMBLA?

I might as well be talking about all three at once.


I’m Feeling My Rage Return
I promise I will get back to writing regularly. No matter how nice the person, I don’t have that negative influence around me any more.



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***North American Man Boy Love Association