A lesson on divide and conquer

Divide and conquer can be a pretty effective tactic, but it’s best when pointed at the other side. For example when we can separate the Christians who accept scientific fact from the nutjobs or separate the compassionate from the bigots, we weaken the forces that stand against reason and progress and we can draw new allies, at least if we aren’t too big of dicks about it.

If on the other hand, you turn on your own side, like some asshats do, you know who loses? You do.

Bullying someone into silence who you might disagree with on a few points is not cool. If you’ve been doing that you’re an asshole and you should eat shit right after you fuck yourself.

That being said, if you’re going to double down to make up for the voice(s) that was just silenced, please be careful.

Clear, reasonable communication can get your point across quite effectively, but when the rhetoric gets out of hand, which it seems to do all too often, you’ll just get into a shouting match and it’ll just piss off a bunch of people. Heck, you’ll also alienate people who agree with you, but couldn’t tell because they couldn’t read between the lines well enough to get past the hyperbole and gross generalizations that all too often come out of the written form of a shouting match.

While it sucks that the trolls and assholes got to her, McCreight has at least shown the maturity to regcognize when she needs a break. They, on the other hand, need to grow up.


  1. Please explain how Rebecca’s post is “doubling down”.

  2. The post isn’t, but she was basically stating that she’s going to.

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