Lighthouses > Churches – The French Ain’t so Bad

Better Left Dead
The French Catholic Church will resuscitate a tradition that I think is best left in the distant past. King Louis XIII started a forced prayer on August 15th in 1638 – the day Catholics believe Mary to mother of Jesus bodily flew up to Heaven without the help of a trebuchet. It seems after getting their arses thoroughly kicked in WW2 broke them of the annual prayer.

Now that it looks like France will pass a law allowing same sex marriage, the Catholic Bishiops are calling for prayer over the newley elected French officials, saying in part “so that their sense of the common good will overcome special demands.” That call is in support for male/female only marriage support “throughout their lives, especially in painful moments.”

When it comes to gay parents adopting kids, the church wants the children to “cease to be objects of the desires and conflicts of adults and fully benefit from the love of a father and a mother.”

Thankfully, it seems over 2/3rds of French citizens support their President Francois Hollande’s election campaign promise to reform the marriage laws in France. It’s always been the joke that the French have a bad history at winning wars. I think they can win this one.



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