Lighthouses > Churches – Robert Pattinson

Career Ending Move?

I have read many articles over the last couple days discussing what if Robert Pattinson joined Scientology. The interesting issue is that with each divorce, Tom Cruise tarnishes Scientology. If Robert joined, he would be a perfect heir apparent to Tom. Robert is young, they say he is an actor – at the start of his career & has great hair. While Tom is in great shape for his age, he is still getting up there and not such a viable sex symbol to people under 30.

There has been a lot of Scientology rumors floating around Robert since Kristen Stewart his co-star and ex-girlfriend broke up after she fessed up to borking a director. Since that news broke, Kirstie Alley has been visiting Robert at home. What no one knows is if she is pimping the benefits of Scientology to try to bring him into the fold. Or – with no evidence to back it up – perhaps Kirstie is a cougar. Who knows? I’m sure that Robert’s defenses are down more than usual. This is a great time to work some Scientology magic on the dude. Or, for a cougar to get in his pants.

This last idea just occurred to me. If it comes true, then I’m a fuckin psychic and you heard it here first. What if Kirstie is visiting Robert to get a project together? Get the old TV show, Cheers, back on the air with Ted and Kirstie and the gang – but replacing Woody with Robert. I think the only person that has had any success since that show went off the air is Woody, so it stands to reason. Cheers would need a new Woody. Kirstie’s neighbor Robert might be able to fill those shoes.

Back to the main idea. If Robert does join Scientology, how will the Twilight star’s fame negatively affect Scientology’s reputation? For as many young girls out there think that Robert is dreamy, there must be a much larger group of people that know vampires should not sparkle. I am positive there are many people within the skeptical comminuty that when it comes to their sci-fi are vampire pureists. That would by deffinition make them, shall we say, less receptive to movies like Twilight. We might be able to build up the rage against Scientology to great proportions.

I for one say to Robert, JOIN SCIENTOLOGY! Thank you all for reading. Good night and good luck.


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