Lighthouses > Churches – Modern Day Dinosaur

Death Knell of the Dems
Want proof of evolution? Just look at Pat Robertson. His old, backward thinking is a throwback to much darker ages. Besides, wasn’t he hatched from an egg found in the Burgess Shale? Ok. I kid, I kid – to an extent.

A couple days ago, Pat went out on the 700 Club to announce that the Democratic Party would impale itself using a sword called Same Sex Marriage. That’s right. Treating others how you want to be treated – Giving the same rights that the majority has to another group – will kill the Democrats. Pat expounded on the subject:

About 2 percent of the population are homosexual, 1 percent of the population is lesbian. That’s a tiny group and every time this initiative has been brought to the ballot where the people have a chance to vote they vote overwhelmingly in favor of traditional marriage. For the Democrats to go out on that limb, it just seems like to me that they are further alienating themselves from the mainstream of America. If that’s what they want to do, fine, but it will mean the death knell of their party, it seems like to me, and of course that’s what they’re doing but maybe they have a death wish.

This comes after Barney Frank announced the 15 member panel voted to add marriage equality unanimouisly to the Democratic Party platform ahead of the DNC in September.

To be clear on marriage, Pat wants only hetero couples that will have children to get married. No homosexual couples. Non-childbearing couples might as well not get married either. And, don’t forget… If you have Alzheimer’s, it’s ok for your partner to divorce you since you are no longer the person they married (Watch youtube below).

Just another sign that Pat Robertson is so out of touch with the new world – and so insulated by yes men – that he can’t see the forest for the trees. Just a dinosaur. One which I cannot wait til he gets relegated to the past.


I’m just going to leave this here:
700 Club Scam



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