Lighthouses > Churches – Non-Persecution & Letter of the Law

Christian Persecution… Or Not
Michael Salman is a pastor that holds services out of his suburban house in Phoenix, Arizona. His neighbors have been complaining to the city about the cars that dozens believers drive to Salmon’s house at least once a week since 2007. Since then, Phoenix has cited him many times for not having the zoning and proper permits to have church services in his house. His dismissal of his neighbors requests and the cities citations brought him into court a few times.

I need to list a couple of the issues people have had with Pastor Salmon over the years. Back in 2008, he lied to the city planners by telling them he was going to turn his garage into a 2000 sq ft game room. In actuality, he converted his garage into a church capable of holding over 40 people. Once in 2009, 12 police broke up his services while the planners issued him 67 code violations. Don’t forget the cross and the gaudy sign (think of the illuminated sign in front of any bar or mini mart) that he put up.

Vicki Hill, the chief assistant city prosecutor, made a rather reasonable statement recently:

The state is not saying that the Salmans can’t run a church or have worship services at the location (according to a Jan. 4, 2010, Arizona court ruling). But the state is saying that if they do so, they must do it properly and in accord with fire and zoning laws.

This unrepentant Christian man has never had any regard for the laws he has broken in his area. Even while under court orders to stop having services at his house with large crowds of people, he continues to have worship in defiance of the judge. Salmon is supposed to turn himself in to the jail today (07-09-12) to serve a two month sentence (probation) then pay off a $12,000 fine. In a chuckle worthy turn, John Tutelman, the assistant city prosecutor called Salmon a “rebel” at the trial. John is also asking the court to revoke probation and make Salmon serve a 2.5 year term in prison since the pastor continues to hold services against court order.

Salmon has tried to start cases in state and federal courts but he has gotten denied each time saying this is a matter for the city of Phoenix to handle. As a rather successful burger joint owner and credit card processing company, I keep wondering why he doesn’t just buy a properly zoned building and have services in a proper church… Then I remember that this asshat thinks he is being persecuted. …by other christians. Can we all form a line to thump this guy on the forehead? Maybe not, but it sure sounds fun.

Blatantly ripped these contacts from Those wishing to express their congratulations regarding Michael Salman’s prosecution and jail sentence should contact City Prosecutor Mr. Aaron Carreon-Ainsa. The mayor and city council of Phoenix may also be contacted regarding the city’s zoning ordinance. If you would like to have a vein throb in your forehead be reading the posts about Pastor Michael Salman and his family, you may do so via Facebook.


GOP Appointed Judge Done Good
U.S. District Judge Daniel P. Jordan III takes his job seriously. In a case that could have shut down the last abortion clinic in Mississippi, Jordan has put a temporary block in place until he can determine if the state law is putting undue burdens or substantial obstacles on women seeking abortions. While his decision will be appealed either way he decides, it is great to see a white, republican man look to follow the letter of the law.

Gov. Phil Bryant and the republican controlled state senate look to make the state abortion-free by legislating the procedure out of existance. Jordan made a point to bring up a point made in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 1992 (based on Roe v. Wade, 1973) that said a woman must not be put through “undue burdens or substantial obstacles” in obtaining an abortion. In Jordan’s written brief for the temporary block, he said:

Though the debate over abortion continues, there exists legal precedent the court must follow.

I wanted to point out to you guys N gals that not all of the news out of the deep south is bad lately… See ya in a few days! =p



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  1. “he continues to have worship in defiance of the judge.”

    Wow. Perhaps Mr. Salman should register his religion with the state and receive a permit to exercise his First Amendment rights.

    1. If Pastor Salmon wants to follow the law like everyone else – pastors and churches included – then so be it. His personal residence and game room are not zoned for the dozens of people he has over for services. There is no safety equipment or handicapped parking. The traffic in the suburban neighborhood causes issues with locals because of the small streets. The Christians that give him citations are most likely no less Christian than Salmon is. It is their job to enforce the fire and safety laws. Don’t like it? Join the zoning commission and change it.

      PS: Thank you for not reading what was written.

  2. “make the state abortion-free ”

    Yes, when are people going to learn that it is none of the state’s business what a woman does with her body? Well, except that she must buy insurance. And she can’t have too much salt or transfat, if she lives in NYC. OK, OK, as long as she’s killing another human, it’s no one else’s business. Other than that, game on.

    1. It doesn’t matter what strawman arguments you throw out there. Abortion has been put to many trials by fire in the courts. It is legal. Deal with it. Don’t like it? Overturn Roe V. Wade. Many – far greater than you – have tried and failed.

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