Lighthouses > Churches – Mormons 1 / Scientology 2

Oh Twitter… How I refuse to use thee. But if there were more chuckle-worthy statements like the one below – that could be made in 140 characters or less – I’d read it more often.

Cher recently ignited a little storm a couple days ago when she fired off a tweet for President Obama. In the tweet, she says we would have to deal with Romney as president if Obama doesn’t get a little fire under his ass. Her tweet plus explanations are in (brackets):

I Feel if he (Obama) doesn’t get all his DUCKS IN A ROW we’ll b forced 2 listen 2Uncaring Richy Rich! The whitest man in MAGIC UNDERWEAR in the WH (White House).

That’s right. Cher took a cheap pot-shot at Mitt and his bullet-proof magic unjies. I found half a dozen articles up in arms on this subject. Mostly people were shouting that Cher should not judge another’s religion. What I have yet to see is a statement from Romney. Not a single word from his team of spokesmen that this hurt his feelings. So, I say screw the loud-mouths that take offense on behalf of another person – that doesn’t seem to be upset in the first place.

Even so, I say if an official brings their beliefs into the public sphere at all, then they are fair game. That goes for Obama and Rev Wright too. In almost every decision making process, a person will bring their beliefs into the decisions he/she makes whether they is conscious of it or not.

Besides, if a person cannot take some razzing from people about their weird beliefs, then that is a person needs to take a chill pill. Oh and all of those hyper-sensative people taking offense on behalf of another? Go suck an egg.


Scientology Takes Another Hit
Tony Ortega from the Village Voice broke a rather interesting article on Scientology recently. The granddaughter of L. Ron Hubbard (LRH), Roanne Leake, has “blown” the coupe. Now, Diana – the daughter of LRH – is the only descendant of their glorious leader left in the “church”.

David Miscavitch has been running Scientology full time since 1986 when LRH died. Davey has ruled the “church” like Stalin ran Russia – biggest difference is a few less deaths are attributed to one of them. Seriously though… Iron fist would be an apt description for either – not to mention their proclivity for odd decisions only to shun less feverent believers. Like putting a “true believer” into a position instead of a person qualified for the job which has dire consequences later.

So when you hear Ron Miscavige Sr, Davey’s father, ran for the hills as well, you got to wonder about the whole enterprise. Heck, Ron is the man who introduced little Davey into Scientology back in 1972 to cure his son’s asthma.  Ron was no sunny-day Scientologist.  Neither was Roanne. Hopefully Tony will be able to score some interviews with them soon. Finding out thier reasons for defection would be most enlightening.

Scientology’s numbers are shrinking fast.  The people joining do not equal the numbers leaving.  When the rats leave a ship, you better start looking hard for water in the bilge of the boat. Personally, I can’t wait for the whole thing to go Titanic on them. IRS, I’m looking at you.  Don’t wussie out next time.


Rupert Murdoch & Twitter
Granted, many people around the world do not like Rupert Murdoch – the owner of News Corp & FOX TV. But, I got yet another twitter chuckle when I read his tweets about the Scientology angle on Tom and Katy’s divorce.

Scientology back in news. Very weird cult, but big, big money involved with Tom Cruise either number two or three in hierarchy.
Watch Katie Holmes and Scientology story develop. Something creepy, maybe even evil, about these people.

Putting aside the ‘Rupert Murdoch / pot / kettle’ arguments, it’s always interesting to see who a person with impunity will go after. If only the guy would donate a billion or two for the legal defense of others or perhaps a proper education campaign on the beliefs of Scientology. Wouldn’t that really be a sight to see?



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