Godwin’s law strikes again

“As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.”

I have a rather annoying discussion about ethics going on on Facebook. Of course, he made a Hitler comparison. To which I responded,

I have to ask you, do you believe actions are moral because God says they are or does God call something good because it’s inherently good? In other words, would Hitler have been moral if God whispered the final solution in his ear?

Remember that next time Godwin’s law strikes while someone’s getting preachy with you.


  1. Oh, and speaking of Hitler: I get oh-so-tired of the “Yeah, but Hitler was an atheist” argument. Actually, he wasn’t. He inherited the “blood libel” nonsense of the Catholic Church and combined that with absurd occult obsessions. And he and his inner cabal of megalomaniacs mixed in newfangled “Aryan” mythology that was a riff on Germanic and Norse mythos. None of that was atheist in the least.

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