What requires faith?

I’m in the middle of a fun debate on Facebook that provided me a lot of reminders of some of my former views.

Those who subscribe to a literal interpretation of the Bible have this way of thinking that everything requires faith. They even go so far as to say that relying on empirical evidence requires more faith than believing in such things as a god, devil, after life, recent creation, and getting all your answers out of an ancient book.

Aside from the fact that, well, empirically proven things are fact, it’s reasonable to accept that the same methods have have explained gravity, weather, electricity, illness, and countless other things we take for granted would yield good results, even if for no better reason than that we use the products of these empirically proven facts every time we turn on a light, use a computer, take an antibiotic, drive a car, fly across the country… the list is almost endless.

There’s a reason why when people lose their faith they leave Christianity, don’t join it.

The other, darker reminder this has served, I’ll rant about on Friday.