Lighthouses > Churches – Moonbats, Moving, & Not Much Else

Not My Church
In a silly bit of news, Nancy Pelosi implies there are rogue bishops within the Catholic Church. The House Minority Leader and good Catholic thinks the group of bishops from around the USA do not represent the mind of the church “ex cathedra” on the issues of contraceptives, sterilizations, and abortions. As 43 Catholic institutions launch lawsuits across the country, Pelosi attempts to say Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York and many others are wrong. It’s sad, really.

Some how as a Catholic, Pelosi thinks she knows the mind of Pope Ratzinger better than he knows it himself, saying:

Well, I don’t think that’s the entire Catholic Church. Those people have a right to sue, but I don’t think they’re speaking ex cathedra for the Catholic Church. And there are people in the Catholic Church, including some of the bishops, who have suggested that some of this may be premature.

Even though it seems she can be a complete moonbat at times, she throws some pearls out there – seemingly to just catch you off guard – like this one:

When tried to ask Pelosi if she agreed with her church’s teaching on sterilization–which is one of the moral issues at the center of the church’s lawsuit against the Obamacare regulation–Pelosi cut the question off.

“You know what, I do my religion on Sunday in church, and I try to go other days of the week. I don’t do it at this press conference”.

 All this comes down to is: the woman is nutty – and right on supporting this issue – but for crazy wrong reasons.  Giving women the option to get treatment they might want which is allowed by the law of the land…  No more back alleys.  No more dangerous procedures. Supporting proper health care for everyone is not a good idea, it’s the right idea. Finally, me and Pelosi agree on something.

Moving Day
Heading to a permanent job in a couple hours notice… Lot of packing and goodbyes to do. Please stand by. =)


There is Still Time…
Penny Arcade

I’m a Die-Hard Gamer… You?
Penny Arcade

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