Lighthouses > Churches – Bullys & Bullets

Asshats For God
The peace at the annual Arab International Festival festival in Dearborn MI was ripped apart and some violence ensued. Christian missionaries that preach love hate like “Bible Believers” actually lofted the head of a pig overhead next to the obligatory signs of damnation that were cheery in comparison.

While the Christians started hurtling insults, the Arabs took it on the chin for a while and continued their festivities. As the fervor grew, the Arabs got involved also. No fist fights – mostly just words were thrown – and a few soda cans.

Where were the police, you ask? The horse mounted troopers passed by three times during the protest to keep the peace. They even arrested one man who they said incited the people. To my surprise, the man in cuffs is a Christian. haha… Ruben Israel, the protest organizer, was upset because one of his Christian Warriors was hauled off to the police station. In what I can only hope is feigned surprise at the arrest, Ruben said:

And they arrest one of our guys. I don’t know if they know what they’re doing. When we go back and report what happened, next year there could be a hundred of us out here.

Yup. Just what is needed. An escalation of troops in the area. WTF. Ruben, you are a dopey bastard.

The festival continues til the 19th. The Arab organizers said the “Bible Believers” won’t be there tomorrow since the group has a gay pride parade to picket and taunt in Ohio. I really tried to confirm or disprove this tidbit but navigating the Bible Believers website is painful and difficult to say the least. Anyone confirm this?


Through and Through
As a gun owner, I pride myself on my firearm safety. Every once in a while something makes me shiver. A tale of soot-colored evil in the Detroit suburb of Birmingham.

While working on-site for an HVAC company, a man adjusts his firearm in his waistband and shoots a round through his penis. From what I can find, no other damage to his person is known.

Talking about the damage that was done, Deputy Chief Mark Clement said it better than I could:

Through and through, if you can believe it. The situation could have been a lot worse. You think about it — your femoral artery runs down there. He could have shot it off. It could have been a lot worse. It’s a big bullet; you’re not talking a small bullet.

Yep, the man shot himself in the jimmy with his .40 caliber Glock pistol. In the three articles I’ve read, I never seen a peep about wearing a holster. So, I will figure he was not wearing one since it would be *near impossible* to have this happen were he wearing a protective cup holster.

At least he had a permit to carry pistols concealed… but he might still get charged with “reckless discharge of a firearm” once he leaves the hospital.  Insult to injury, eh?

Anyway, guns can be related to sex and condoms, everyone. If you are going to carry a firearm – be safe – wrap it up. Monthly PSA finished. Thanks for reading!



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