Not all Christians are bad people

I’m sure Christians get tired of all us mean atheists picking on them, but we know that most Christians are actually good and decent people in spite of their religion. As far as us picking on them, maybe they just need to know why.

The vast majority of people hate hypocrisy, but sometimes the exposure of it is poetically brutal. For example, there’s the Catholic priests who violate their vows of chastity with children. The outrage is because of the fact that they’re abusing children and then covering it up, but the snark is because the very people who vow to never have sex just can’t seem to keep it in their robes.Then there’s the one’s who preach one thing and live another, like the pastors who rail against homosexuality and then do lines of coke off a male prostitute’s ass or the youth pastors who teach their youth abstinence until marriage, but give that one special (underage) girl way too comprehensive of sex ed. There’s also the one’s who loudly proclaim that you can only be good with their god who then get busted for embezzlement, tax evasion, or adultery.

If we were to pick on every member in the pew who ever had a “moral failing” that would be taking it too far, but when people take public roles, like pastors and priests, they are opening themselves up to public scrutiny. This is especially true depending on what you’re vocal about, since most pastor’s try to tell people how to live their lives, then everything is fair game.

If Christians want us to back off, then they need to admit that we can be good without a god, stop preaching against normal healthy behavior, and turn over the criminals among them, especially those who’s victims are minors, to the authorities. In the mean time we’ll rage over every cover up and mock every public hypocrite.



  1. We talked about that pendulum swinging so far from one end of the spectrum to the other… I had not read this article til after I posted mine. Good stuff – as always.

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