Lighthouses > Churches – Morons, Mormons, & King Tut

Chickenshit Asshats
The all girls school of Bibi Hajera in the provincial capital of Talokhan was attacked by the taliban. In Northern Afghanistan 122 girls and three teachers were poisoned via a sort of spray. Commenting on the health of those attacked, hospital director Dr. Habibullah Rostaqi said, “A number of girls from 15 to 18 were brought from a school to hospital today. Generally they are not in a critical condition. We are looking after them, but let’s see what happens later. We understand so far from the situation… they are more traumatized.”

While this attack used a gas of some sort, the taliban have been poisoning well water in many schools. Gender doesn’t seem to be the only factor either since these cowards are attacking boys schools also. According to Reuters, The Ministry of Education says 550 schools in 11 provinces where the Taliban enjoy popular support have been shut recently.

The Afghan people know that the terrorists and the Taliban are doing these things to threaten girls and stop them going to school. That’s something we and the people believe. Now we are implementing democracy in Afghanistan and we want girls to be educated, but the government’s enemies don’t want this.

~Khalilullah Aseer, spokesman for Takhar police

I have not called anyone an asshat in a while. Not sure if I have ever used chickenshit on here. The taliban continues to deserve both titles. This is making me rage. I do not care what group you belong to. If you want to oppress your followers and cause fear in every one else, then you deserve to be ridiculed. You deserve to be forcibly removed. The people of Afghanistan have spoken. Get the hell out.

Haven’t we as a planet progressed past poisoning children? Progressed past female AND male genital mutilation? Ok, maybe not. But it’s high time to stop. I’ve never seriously wished ill upon another person. But, if you guys want to put a bullet in your brainpan, go right ahead. Just be a man and don’t hurt others while you do it.


We Don’t Like Your Kind ‘Round Here
Congratulations to the Grove City Area Church baseball league for finally settling the debate of whether a Mormon is also a Christian once and for all. The league – which is made up of 11 teams – had a team from the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints church in Slippery Rock try to join. When the other teams found out, three true Christian teams said they would quit if the Mormons were allowed to play. The TEXT
league president showed his support for the true Christians saying,

The GCA church softball league is intended for fellowship among Christian churches. Not for members of different faiths. To call a group who proclaims a different gospel of salvation of Christian church is not only untrue, it is unloving. We cannot do this. We will not do this.

But, in the spirit of fair and loving Christian values, the board members decided to let individuals from the Mormon team join other ball clubs and compete.

Where is that MOOOORON sound byte from the Geologic Podcast when I need it? Play some damn baseball. Or, are you afraid your god would not always let you win against the “heathen unbelievers”?  It happens occasionally.  Ask Tebow.


King Tut Exhibit in Seattle
If you will be in the Pacific Northwest some time in the next few months, might I recommend going to the Pacific Science Center? There is a giant exhibit titled Tutankhamun: The Golden King and The Great Pharaohs. The artifacts will be on display from May 24, 2012 – January 6, 2013.

I am sure a few people went to the exhibit 30 years ago. Go again! The treasures are completely different since Tutankhamun and the gang visited last time. They added so many Want another reason? This US tour started in 2008 and is ending in Seattle in January. The Egyptian national treasures will be flying back to their home land – to never return – til the next time.

There are even two related IMAX films being shown. Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs Mummies & Mysteries of Egypt. Who doesn’t like the IMAX?

If you get tired of smelling the dirty hippies at Pikes Place Market, Hit the Seattle Science Center! Use the Harrison Ford narrated audio guide as you walk around for 6$. Take the afternoon off. Grab a coffee from SBC or Tully’s and reminisce over Steve Martin doing King Tut.


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