Lighthouses > Churches – Fathers & Secrets

Kids Fathered by Fathers
Rev. Thomas Williams, a strident chap, admitted to having a child years ago. As a lecturer, author, moral theologian, and talking head on television, he has sullied his message more than a certain dress which is owned by Monica Lewinsky.

As the most vocal and well known priest in the Legion of Christ, his transgression is another black eye on the group. Some people might remember the now dead founder of the Legion of Christ, Marcial Maciel Degollado. Might remember Marcial as a pedophile who fathered at least three children.

From the secret marriage I talked about a couple weeks ago to children born out of wedlock… to the founder of a Catholic order that abused many people. This system of abstinent priests does not work. It fosters an environment of secrecy. It welcomes the people who need cover from prying eyes for all sorts of reasons.  Yet another nail in the coffin of religion as we know it.  From hypocrisy to just plain evil. The good they do will always be over shadowed by all the crap their followers do – and deservedly so.


Dawkins Secret Christian??
I don’t know about you, but if you have read any of the same articles I have, you would have seen Richard Dawkins has yet again turned christian. Oh wait. No he hasn’t. Love those sensationalist reporters!

Richard is in favor of Michael Gove’s plan to send free King James bibles to all state funded schools. But, for a very different reason than Michael. While Gove, the British education secretary, wants to help Christianity filter into every nook and cranny, Dawkins has a very different reason, saying:

I have heard the cynically misanthropic opinion that without the Bible as a moral compass people would show no restraint against murder, theft and mayhem. The surest way to disabuse yourself of this pernicious falsehood is to read the Bible itself.

Dawkins has never shied away from using the bible as a tool to see the influence this book has had on people and understand it’s effect on literature. In a memorable video – that I cannot find right now – Richard talks about his love for the song Mache dich, mein Herze by Johann Sebastian Bach. A song that he would not understand, let alone appreciate, if he did not know the bible.

Nothing to see here… Move along, mooove along.


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