Lighthouses > Churches – Donations & Intolerance

2010 Alabama gubernatorial candidate Bill Johnson is a man that likes to donate. Sperm that is. After arriving in New Zealand last May to work on Christchurch earthquake recovery, Bill began making deposits – mostly for lesbian couples in civil unions. It seems his need to father children is greater than the stance he took against gay marriage as a republican.

Bill Johnson married Kathy Hale Johnson – a former Miss America contestant in 2004. Kathy was married previously had had children but could not have any more after her hysterectomy a couple years before marrying Bill. After his losing bid to become the governor, Bill’s biological clock began ticking really loud after he held Kathy’s daughter’s first born. The donations started soon after while on a humanitarian mission to help with earthquake preparedness. His donations were discovered back in December 2011. Bill first flew back to Kathy to apologize for what he did and to talk her into living with him in NZ so he could be close to his children.

“Chchbill” as he calls himself is back in New Zealand and applying for residency there. His swimmers have successfully impregnated 3 women so far and there is no end in sight. 10 women have accepted his donations to try to get pregnant. Kathy told the New Zealand Herald news paper that Bill donated sperm to women wanting children over 50 times in a few months. Kathy goes on to say:

He’s back there now. He says he has a commitment to [his children].  He says he created these children and he has a responsibility to them.  I said ‘what about your commitment to your wife’. He walked out. He is obsessed with this.  He doesn’t want to stop. I will not chase him to the other side of the world so he can be a part-time father to children he created with other women.

What a mess.  What a great example of a good Christian spreading his love (and man-chowder) for the betterment of mankind… or some other moral justification.


Methodists Continue Intolerance 
Every four years the leaders of the Methodist churches come together to discuss issues and vote on policy on behalf of their flock. This years hot topic was debating whether LGBT people could be considered christian and therefore more welcome in the church. Obviously, not everyone at the meeting was amenable to accepting LGBT people. One African delegate, speaking through a translator, compared homosexuality to bestiality. The vote was a pretty strong denial with 60% against accepting them.

Advocates for gay and lesbian Methodists gathered in the convention hall wearing rainbow stoles and protested the vote by singing and interrupting the meeting. Some cried when the vote tally was announced.

Other mainline Protestant denominations – including the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the United Church of Christ – have in recent years moved toward accepting gay and lesbian couples. The United Church of Christ has gone the farthest by affirming gay marriage.

With about 8 million Methodists in the USA, they are the largest mainline Protestant group in America, but their numbers continue to dwindle. They might want to reconsider their stance in 2016 to slow the hemorrhaging of their believers.


The Amaz!ng Meeting
I would like to remind everyone that TAM 2012 will be starting in 65 days… Get your tickets ASAP. Not only are the tickets selling fast, but this might very well be the last TAM – what with the end of the world and all. Don’t be one of the people wishing they went before the Mayan predictions come true.


Feel free to email me or add me on Google+

Side note: If anyone lives around Tacoma, Bremerton, or Seattle, let me know. Meet up for a drink and a BS session. =)

1 Comment

  1. It is interesting how political figures are only against gay couples unless it benefits them somehow. Fifty times in only a few months is impressive for an older gentlemen though. Already has three girls knocked up, he is doing as well as a captain of the football team in high school. As far as the church ruling against allowing LGBT people, it is no surprise, though its nice to know that there is attention placed on this issue and maybe in the future there will be some kind of miracle.

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