L > C Mini – Final score: Homeopathy 200C to Science 1

Gallucci Vs Boiron
Boiron and Shoppers Drug Mart – the largest producer of homeopathic pills and the primary store where the pills were sold – were sued for 30 million dollars in Canada (about $75.00 USD) recently. The primary cause for the class action suit are the claims made by both companies saying their “drug”, Oscillococcinum, (putrified duck liver) cures flu-like symptoms and so much more.

Centers For Inquiry (CFI) Canada used a recent class action suit from the state of California which won 12 million dollars for false advertising against Boiron as legal precedent. CFI Canada gave Boiron and Shoppers Drug Mart time to voluntarily comply with the demands to modify the claims made of the drug, but both ignored the warning. Soon afterward, CFI Canada teamed up with the law firm, Roy Elliott O’Connor LLP, to take on Boiron and Shoppers Drug Mart.

Just a few hours ago, the court in Ontario, Canada gave preliminary approval for the class action lawsuit settlement.  Five million dollars is a far cry from the 30 million that was originally asked for, but a win is a win. The settlement does not specify how much of the five million dollars will be taken as legal fees.  Of course, any dollar taken from homeopathy is a good thing in my book.

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