The latest attack on web privacy

First there was SOPA and PIPA, then there was ACTA, now there’s the The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). To give you the jist of it, under CISPA (has a dirty sound to it, not the fun type of dirty, more the oozing and infectious type of dirty) companies can share your personal data like bank records, sales receipts, relationship information, medical information, chat and search histories, and everything else in your online life with the government with absolute immunity, no notification of being watched, and no due process.

Considering how much of our lives are online, this wouldn’t be much different than wire tap to listen to your phone conversations (chat records, email) or seizing your personal paper files (bank statements, health records) without a warrant.

While it’s not as destructive as it’s predecessors would have been, it’s still wrong. Write your congressman or sign the petition.